
Deprecated use of _type in bulk API

Closed this issue · 2 comments

The elastic mock requires the elasticsearch.ElasticSearch.bulk method includes a _type field in the "actions" of the body parameter. (the body is newline separated action-document combinations)


When running this however with a Dockerized ES server I get (version 7.10.2)

elasticsearch/connection/base.py:193: ElasticsearchDeprecationWarning: [types removal] Specifying types in bulk requests is deprecated.

Here is the explanation for why: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.x/removal-of-types.html


Awesome note :) Ty for that!

Do you mind to send a PR fixing that? I'm not actively mainting this library, just merging the PRs

Ah I understand. As I won't do this either, by all means close the issue if you'd rather resolve it ☺️