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olyv opened this issue · 3 comments

olyv commented


I am using java_se cookbook to download specific jdk version (I added depends 'java_se', '~> 8.0' to my metadata.rb). I used this recipe about a month ago but now it fails because it can't download package from Oracle

Recipe: java_se::_macosx_install
  * ruby_block[fetch http://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/java/jdk/8u162-b12/0da788060d494f5095bf8624735fa2f1/jdk-8u162-macosx-x64.dmg] action run
    Error executing action `run` on resource 'ruby_block[fetch http://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/java/jdk/8u162-b12/0da788060d494f5095bf8624735fa2f1/jdk-8u162-macosx-x64.dmg]'

I assume this is related to not accepted license agreement:


Could you please advise if you experienced this issue?

@olyv: It appears a new version of Java 8 has been published (8u172). When that happens, the cookbook has to be updated to use it. If you wish to continue to use 8u162, then you'd need to set the uri attribute: https://github.com/vrivellino/chef-java_se#attributes

I'll get an update out as soon as possible!

@olyv I just published cookbook version 8.172.0. You may need to run berks update java_se to update Berksfile.lock so that the new version gets picked up.

olyv commented

as I can see after berks update java_se it is

Fetching cookbook index from https://supermarket.chef.io...
Using automation-setup (0.1.0) from source at .
Installing java_se (8.172.0)

And I could install jdk 8 successfully. In my case I am happy with version 8 either 162 or 172.

Thanks a lot for quick answer!