
[S3] epd_board_poweron will block while using i2s audio.

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I found a wired behavior: When playing audio file by i2s, call epd_board_poweron will block at while (!(pca9555_read_input(config_reg.port, 1) & CFG_PIN_PWRGOOD)), when no audio play, it works fine.

  • If don't call i2s_write, it works fine, even had installed i2s driver.
  • I run speaker on a new task on core 1, had tested priority from 1~configMAX_PRIORITIES, all had problem. i found epdiy using both core0 and core1 for painting.
  • this behavior has no error output at all

I don't why the i2s port will effect i2c port. How should i debug this problem? may your give me some advice?

Will it be hardware problem? if so, how to debug it?

I2S port:

  • bck: 11
  • ws: I2
  • data out: 13
static void epd_board_poweron(epd_ctrl_state_t* state) {
    epd_ctrl_state_t mask = {
        .ep_output_enable = true,
        .ep_mode = true,
        .ep_stv = true,
    state->ep_stv = true;
    state->ep_mode = false;
    state->ep_output_enable = true;
    config_reg.wakeup = true;
    epd_board_set_ctrl(state, &mask);
    config_reg.pwrup = true;
    epd_board_set_ctrl(state, &mask);
    config_reg.vcom_ctrl = true;
    epd_board_set_ctrl(state, &mask);
    ESP_LOGW("####", "epd_board_poweron 4");

    // give the IC time to powerup and set lines
    ESP_LOGW("####", "epd_board_poweron 5");

    while (!(pca9555_read_input(config_reg.port, 1) & CFG_PIN_PWRGOOD)) {
    ESP_LOGW("####", "epd_board_poweron 6");

    ESP_ERROR_CHECK(tps_write_register(config_reg.port, TPS_REG_ENABLE, 0x3F));


Here is parital log:

I (37603) epdiy: Using optimized vector implementation on the ESP32-S3, only 1k of 65536 LUT in use!
W (37603) ####: epd_board_set_ctrl after
W (37773) ####: epd_board_set_ctrl after
I (37773) epdiy: diff: 3ms, draw: 175ms, buffer update: 1ms, total: 179ms
W (37773) epdiy_flush: is_last. lv_disp_flush_ready after 4
W (37783) ####: epd_board_set_ctrl after
W (37793) ####: epd_board_set_ctrl after
W (37793) epdiy_flush: is_last. lv_disp_flush_ready after 5
W (37793) epdiy_flush: is_last. flush after, _paint_type: 0 area: x1=774, y1=660, x2=887, y2=723
I (39963) MP3_PLAYER: mp3file info---bitrate=80000,layer=3,nChans=2,samprate=44100,outputSamps=2304
W (40403) epdiy_flush: area: x1=267, y1=351, x2=833, y2=435
W (40413) epdiy_flush: is_last. lv_disp_flush_ready after, _paint_type: 0, area: x1=267, y1=351, x2=833, y2=435
W (40413) epdiy_flush: is_last. lv_disp_flush_ready after 1
I (40423) epdiy_flush MEMORY: internal heap: 96267; spi heap: 2309007.
W (40423) epdiy_flush: is_last. lv_disp_flush_ready after 2
W (40433) ####: epd_board_set_ctrl after
W (40443) ####: epd_board_set_ctrl after
W (40443) ####: epd_board_set_ctrl after
W (40443) ####: epd_board_poweron 4
W (40463) ####: epd_board_poweron 5
I (41583) I2S: DMA queue destroyed
I (41583) AUDIO: deinit i2s all. has_speaker: 1
I (41583) PCF8574_SERVICE: setPinLevel 2=0
I (41583) PCF8574_SERVICE: INT:1; P0:0, P1:0, P2:0, P3:0, P4:0, P5:0, P6:1, P7:0

Hello @lanistor
Since you closed this without commenting anything, can you share how you corrected this?
Maybe it will be useful for someone hitting the same problem