
yap -L still prints informational messages

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Informational messages are not turned off when using the -L option.
This was build using commit 0b67a66 since in my machine the most recent ones do not compile.

[ma@MAvmfedora2 databases]$ cat dump_args.pl
#!/usr/local/bin/yap -L --

main( [] ).
main( [H|T] ) :-
        write( H ), nl,
        main( T ).

:- unix( argv(AllArgs) ), main( AllArgs ).
[ma@MAvmfedora2 databases]$ ./dump_args.pl
 % reconsulting ./dump_args.pl...
 % reconsulted /home/ma/host/Users/amara/Documents/sync/gitlab/sync/databases/dump_args.pl in module user, 0 msec 0 bytes
% YAP execution halted.
[ma@MAvmfedora2 databases]$