
vsgXchange fails to compile

Closed this issue · 3 comments

1>------ Build started: Project: vsgXchange, Configuration: Debug x64 ------
1>X:\git\vsg\vsgXchange\src\assimp\assimp.cpp(145,13): error C2653: 'vsgXchange_assimp': is not a class or namespace name
1>Done building project "vsgXchange.vcxproj" -- FAILED.

I think vsgXchange_assimp::SceneConverter converter; should be SceneConverter converter; ?

I have been building on Linux and Windows 11 today and haven't seen problems. What platform are you working on?

Sorry for not providing more information.. I'm on Windows 10, using MSVS 2022 17.8.6

I actually have assimp configured to be used.. maybe you don't, and vsgXchange_assimp evaluates to '' so that vsgXchange_assimp::SceneConverter results in ::SceneConverter which compiles? That's just a wild guess though, I have been fighting a bit with CMake lately so maybe (likely?) it's an issue on my end?

Note that in the same file SceneConverter is usined a few more times, none of them using the vsgXchange_assimp:: scope..

I have looked into the code the vsgXchange_assimp:: will have been a short experiment that got left in by accident. I have removed it and checked the fix into vsgXchange master: d9bd957

The oddity is that it was compiling, I can only guess that as vsgXchange_assimp is a #define it was somehow working on my system.