
OK with watch TTGO V2 but KO with V1

picpic020960 opened this issue · 2 comments

With the ttgo watch V2 , the connection IS ok and the demo script run fine ( no explorer file but old version of micropython v1.14 (with lvgl)) (A)
But with ttgo watch V1 the watch IS no found : driver issue , webserial issue , webusb issue ?
Not viper-ide issue but it's not easy to find information about this problem (B)
Thank's for help

NB : on android

(A) save script as test.py is OK. walk is OK but file explorer tree always empty.
at begin , listdir with only f:: , no d:<...>

(B) USB single serial is OK but CP210x KO on chrome android or chrome windows

Duplicate of #2

CP210x probably doesn't work on Android

Please check again with ViperIDE v0.3.1