
Top level link missing in breadcrumb

gunhansancar opened this issue · 5 comments

Breadcrumbs are missing the top level link. Currently it just links to the same page which doesn't helpful for the user.

Expected behaviour:
Documentation > Get Started
I.e.: https://example.docsy.dev/docs/getting-started/

Actual behaviour:
Get Started
I.e.: https://vsoch.github.io/docsy-jekyll/docs/getting-started

vsoch commented

Ah okay - so you would want the first level (the link back to Documentation) added?

vsoch commented

hey @gunhansancar could you please make sure your browser isn't caching (either new tab / open up devtools and refresh the page) and look now at https://vsoch.github.io/docsy-jekyll/ to see if it's to your liking? If so, I'll draft a new release with the fix. Thanks!

Thanks for your prompt response 👍 . It looks better now. It suits for my needs.

Though when there are multiple levels it doesn't support that

Ideally, it should go deeper if the parent node has parent as well. Like a recursive fashion.

vsoch commented

That's a bug! Please take another look now.

Thanks for your help. I think it works well now. 👍