
Help-First Template Trial Problem

mccurcio opened this issue · 3 comments

Dear Vanessa,
I am having problems with the first use of your docsy template. I have tried to use your template two ways.

  1. by using "Use the template" button
  2. by downloading the zip file
    Both times the mccurcio.github.io displays the svg icon on the front page out of proportion with the HTML.
    I have tried changing the config.yml to fit my situation. It builds nicely and looks fine when I use my computer, etc. I am not sure where to look next.
    This time I did nothing to limit the number of problems I introduced.
    Any suggestions?
    I know you must be busy but I have tried beating my puny head and it really hurts. ;D
vsoch commented

A few things - if you are displaying on your github.io site, the baseurl should be empty here https://github.com/mccurcio/mccurcio.github.io/blob/fb520195ec5e217779da83750c0282ad65d209d3/_config.yml#L26. Then I'd look at the browser console and see if there are remaining script issues, etc.

I was confused by the line in config.yml

# DO NOT CHANGE THE LINE OF THIS FILE without editing .circleci/circle_urls.sh

I was not sure what to do there...
Thanks for the quick reply ;)

vsoch commented

oh yes! Sorry about that. That means "don't change the line number" - it's used in the preview. I can clarify that for the future. Thanks!