
Add AwesomeiOS Weekly Newsletter

lfarah opened this issue ยท 13 comments

Soooo, I'm so excited to talk about this!

About ๐Ÿ‘

It's been almost an year since I've been talking with @vsouza about creating an AwesomeiOS Newsletter. Our plan is to have a weekly newsletter that showcases quality iOS libraries, frameworks and other iOS developer tools.
I decided to create this because I'm a big newsletter fan because they always provide amazing new links.

Content ๐Ÿš€

  • The Newsletter's content would be generated by filtering libs by their quality index, provided by CocoaPods + CocoaDocs.
  • I would then write a small comment about each library.
  • Each email contains an introduction paragraph and 10 links

Reasons โœ…

  • AwesomeiOS has been the same for the past 2 years, so we want to grow the project and connect more with our thousands of visitors.
  • The project became too big for someone to go learn about new libraries, so instead of having thousands of libraries in one page, a Newsletter would only show 10.


Simply awesome!

@lfarah bravo! I assume the amount of stars / forks will determine the weekly selection of 10 libs?

On which day of week you're planning to send newsletter?
and I am ready for contribution on newsletter, feel free to contact me.

Hey @naeemshaikh90, I finished writing the first edition today at 4:30am. We're planning on launching on Tuesday.

As for contributions, I'll talk to you! ๐Ÿ˜‰

I don't like email newsletters. Is there an option to subscribe RSS?

Hey @natalia-osa, we're working on a website for AwesomeiOS.Weekly and we will provide RSS subscription. I'll let you know when we launch it! ๐Ÿ‘

Hey @natalia-osa, our website is finally out! http://weekly.awesomeios.com/

Great work buddy, how does the quality index work

Great work! What is the RSS address because I can't find it?

@dkhamsing I'm working on a service to get from cocoa pods quality index API ๐Ÿ˜„

Hey @natalia-osa. We don't support RSS yet. What you can do is to follow this blog post and create a Zapier workflow that does email to RSS for you