Welcome to Shapesmith.next, the next generation implementation of Shapesmith.
You can find the original, stable, version at http://github.com/bjnortier/shapesmith
Shapemsith is a:
- Open Source
- Parametric
- 3D modelling application
And it is also:
- Aimed at 3D printing
- Written in pure Javascript
- Nodejs > 0.10 (and NPM)
- grunt-cli and nodemon
- A WebGL-capable browser
On a Mac, I recommend using Homebrew to install nodejs. When you have homebrew, install nodejs (npm is included):
$ brew install node
On Linux, there are different instructions for your distribution.
$ cd shapesmith.next
# If you're using Homebrew you won't need the sudo command
$ [sudo] npm install -g grunt-cli nodemon
$ npm install
$ grunt test
63 tests complete (66 ms)
Done, without errors.
$ npm start
> shapesmith@0.11.0 app /Users/bjnortier/development/shapesmith.next
> nodemon src/api/server.js
6 Oct 23:13:36 - [nodemon] v0.7.8
6 Oct 23:13:36 - [nodemon] to restart at any time, enter `rs`
6 Oct 23:13:36 - [nodemon] watching: /Users/bjnortier/development/shapesmith.next
6 Oct 23:13:36 - [nodemon] starting `node src/api/app.js`
. . .
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environment: development
port: 8000
dbtype: sqlite
server started on :8000