
simon game http://vtange.github.io/simon/

Primary LanguageJavaScript

alt tag



AngularJS + watching, Array_Equals.js, $timeouts and $intervals, PlainJS(Audio)

Tested with:

Karma, PhantomJS, Istanbul, Mocha, Chai, Sinon


CSS Overlays, Lights and Glows Array deep comparison



  • ng-class to smooth darken background when power is on. (Using opacity on black) (Orig. used in TOS Mapdex)
 <div id="darkness" class="disappear" data-ng-class="{'disappear': !power, 'appear': power}"></div>
  • using box-shadow to tint a div which already has a background image.
 input.color = "0px 340px rgba(255, 0, 80, 0.3) inset"
 SEE BELOW for "input.color"
  • Circular glow button, iPhone-style switch
  • TM symbol and happy/frowny faces.


  • Use ng-style with JSON & ng-repeat for generating and animating Xylophone bars:
   $scope.set_styling = function (input) {
       if (input.playing) {
           return { "height": input.length, "box-shadow": input.color }
       return { "height": input.length }
  • using a box-shadow on an overlayed div to give glow effect. (Used on "Pip Holder" elements that align pips)
   $scope.backlight = function (input) {
       if (input.playing) {
           return { "box-shadow": input.light }
       return {  }
  • Sequence:
Up Number -> Play Demo -> Listen (allow user input) -> ":)" -> Up Number -> Play Demo....
                                                L ---> ":(" -> Play Demo -> Listen Again...
  • Block User Action with a
    that only disappears during Listen Phase.
   <div id="click-block" data-ng-if="!listening"></div>
  • ng-mousedown, mouseup, mouseenter: (Used in Guide-showing, hold down for long glow aesthetic)
data-ng-mouseenter="ShowGuide(bar)" data-ng-mousedown="Play(bar)" data-ng-mouseleave="UnPlay(bar);ShowGuide(bar)" data-ng-mouseup="UnPlay(bar)"

would like to find a way to find and cancel all pending timeouts. maybe use a array of timeouts and assign each timeout to that array?

Also find a way to preload sounds so they don't lag the first time they're played Preloading sounds does not solve this problem, but this is how you do it.

    var sounds = [];//preload sounds
    for (var k=0;k<$scope.instrum.xyphone.length;k++){sounds.push(new Audio($scope.instrum.xyphone[k].tune))};//preload sounds
    // and then play them off of sounds array