Pinned issues
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Can I simulate a QLC SSD in BB mode?
#132 opened by Assembles - 0
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How many write pointers are there in zns mode?
#157 opened by yaOoo830 - 1
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How to return an NVMe error status to host?
#162 opened by realcedriccheng - 1
how to run Flexible Data Placment (FDP) emulator ?
#153 opened by sg20180546 - 2
Some questions about the zftl
#154 opened by ZhuWeiLin0 - 4
PCIe config
#151 opened by TONG-TNG - 1
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There is currently a memory leak
#148 opened by Choe-Jongin - 0
Problem solved. Sorry.
#147 opened by ChoiMoonSeok - 2
How to create 256GB zns ssd ?
#144 opened by OGSD - 1
how can i add computational power to FEMU?
#143 opened by YK1111111 - 2
Error when building RAID-5 on FEMU drives
#138 opened by NeverMore2744 - 1
Can FEMU simulate the difference in sequential and random read/write performance on SSD?
#137 opened by Borelset - 3
when I use the SHA 76a9d8e333f081a9df30b5f8706e9be81517665c to compile femu,It produces the error outside array bounds.
#136 opened by HugeOrhuge - 2
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How to emulate GC impact with FEMU
#130 opened by yanbozyb - 1
Implement namespace in black box mode
#121 opened by Choe-Jongin - 6
how can i configure zone size in femu zns mode?
#126 opened by yaOoo830 - 2
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How can i add a OS-SSD NVME command?
#114 opened by chillsoul - 1
what is the simplest way to insert modified zns module in guest os?
#116 opened by anonymous-researcher-ZTBP - 1
The emulated devices disappeared in /dev
#115 opened by FirnYi - 1
#113 opened by Funny-Boy-Max - 1
function address_space_rw mistakes the parameter
#107 opened by Cautreoxit - 2
ftl_thread number
#108 opened by Funny-Boy-Max - 1
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#110 opened by Funny-Boy-Max - 2
Dose FEMU require certain configuration of Linux kernel when emulating zns?
#112 opened by ZhuWeiLin0 - 2
SSD cache management and STL module
#102 opened by Funny-Boy-Max - 1
Could FEMU process requests in parallel?
#106 opened by ZhuWeiLin0 - 2
The guest would be broken down when I intentionally made some mistakes with the ZNS SSD simulated by FEMU.
#103 opened by Konna619 - 2
where is the log in FEMU?
#105 opened by ZhuWeiLin0 - 1
What struct line in bbssd means?
#86 opened by AkaneAyane - 1
Page types per flash types in OCSSD 2.0
#98 opened by chanyoung - 2
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Only one or two COREs are used on WSL
#93 opened by Choe-Jongin - 2
qemu-system-x86_64: -localtime: invalid option
#89 opened by Wu-yikun - 2
blackbox ssd performace
#92 opened by dfujiki - 0
qemu-system-x86_64: -localtime: invalid option
#88 opened by Wu-yikun - 5
Scheduling I/O requests in FEMU
#85 opened by Haltz