
Accurate Event Tracking with Multiple Pixels

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In early November 2017, two new capabilities (trackSingle and trackSingleCustom) were added to the pixel. These options enable you to selectively fire events for a specific pixel—even when multiple pixels are initialized on the page—without unexpected consequences.

Understanding the behavioral differences among track, trackSingle or trackSingleCustom is important when there's a possibility of multiple pixels interacting on your page.

Using these new capabilities allows accurate tracking for multiple pixels and ensures there's no conflicting or unexpected behavior when events are defined to fire.

I have implemented more than one pixel on the site and I have problems with tracking because all events should use trackSingle

Documentacion: https://developers.facebook.com/ads/blog/post/v2/2017/11/28/event-tracking-with-multiple-pixels-tracksingle/?locale=es_ES

fbq('track', 'AddToCart', {