Quantity selector on cart v2
carlosviniciusananias opened this issue · 1 comments
In mini-cart v1 we had the quantity selector with the option to increase more or less ( + / - )... In mini-cart v2 I can't find the prop to customize the way this selector is rendered. This feature no longer exists?
Example with quantity selector mentioned in v1 https://prnt.sc/vk1s0m
In the product quantity component we have something that meets this need, the "selectorType" property. Is there anything similar or with the same functionality for the mini-cart?
Hi @carlosviniciusananias , this feature is still available, but not within minicart.v2 as such but in one of its child blocks, in this case product-list, this is the documentation https://vtex.io/docs/app/vtex.product-list@0.27.2/, in the "quantity-selector" section you can choose between "default" and "stepper"
Regards Edwin