
Category Products are not Supported in IE 11

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Expected Behavior

Products will display in category pages and are able to be clicked on.

Current Behavior

Page is not displayed and products cannot be clicked on.

Possible Solution

Steps to Reproduce (for bugs)

Open an workspace with a browser that is running IE 11 and navigate to a category page. You can use this link as an example:


A client is using IE11 internally and are not able to view products and categories

Your Environment

lucis commented

This happens, actualy, for every navigate action inside the store. The URL changes, but the view does not.


I believe that this issue is related to the router we use under the hood. Found this issues that may help: remix-run/react-router#4999

And also this: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45034968/react-router-changes-url-but-not-the-view-only-on-internet-explorer-11