
Hide unavailable products

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Is there any possibility to hide unavailable products in the shelf.product component?

I saw that list-context.product-list has the prop that helps me (hideUnavailableItems), but it doesn't work for shelf.product.

Or is there any option to build a shelf containing similar products using list-context.product-list component?

@GabiDanciu did you found any solution? I'm facing the same problem right now.

@thiagomeest pudiste solucionar este problema?

I think the list-context.product-list is responsible to prepare and filter a product list before the shelf.product component.

The shelf.product is only a child component to show product context informations like name, price, picture, discounts, buy button..

I don't know why I was mentioned in this topic, but that is my answer as a developer with some VTEX experience.