- Create a
- Fill it with:
$papertrailConfig = @{ # Optional Server = "<papertrailserver>" Port = <portnumber> HostName = "<hostname>" Level = "ERROR" # papertrail logging will be activated from this log level and up } $sftp = @{ HostName = "sftp.server.no" UserName = "username" Password = "password" SshHostKeyFingerprint = "ssh-rsa 4096 ssh-fingerprint" } $tqmConfig = @{ Firmakode = "firmakoden din" TeamsWebhook = "https://vtfk.webhook.office.com/webhookb2/blablabla" # Sends teams webhook on logger error level }
- From a PowerShell prompt
This will file be launched by a scheduled task. Only when there's one or more file(s) at the Whenever you set it to run (TQM likes around midnight)$folder
location, Start-UserExport.ps1
will be launched.