
The heartthrob framework (heartthrob.css) can add more elegancy to your project, here you will find the basic stuff from this ultimate framework.

Primary LanguageSCSS

heartthrob: overview

The heartthrob framework can add more elegancy to your project, to looks like the Microsoft Fluent Design design, it was also inspired by Michael West - an incredible designer who will dominate the world with his ideas.

Built from scratch with bare CSS/JavaScript since 2016, it uses the grid system for responsive websites based in Bootstrap 3, the idea is to have a starter point when you need to develop a solution for your company or for yourself, it's clean, simple, easy and lightweight.

The ideia behind this project is to make it as simple as possible for new developers, and agencies that creates several websites a month, by making it simple to study, contribute and modify. It also does a lot of automatic functions without you needing to spend too much time in it.

Click here to see the full documentation

A new component is ready to use, see heartthrob-vision

perfect for dashboards

I've built and use Heartthrob in several dashboards and CMSs, on several startups and corporate systems.

More to share about this soon.

bootstrap Grid System

One of the key points of Heartthrob is using the same Bootstrap Grid System, with a tool that you have more control.

It also has a lot of compatibility with any website using Bootstrap since we used a lot of similiar classes names.

kendo ui compatibility

Inside Heartthrob you will find a kendo.heartthrob css file, that can add all the work made in this framework to the Kendo interface. This looks pretty good for grids, dropdowns, scheduler and other inputs.


Build Status

npm version

download and installation

Full download and installaton scenarios here: documentation

contribute: let's build it together

Me and my team are using it in the solutions we build every single day, so expect nice fixes and small additions as it will be more and more compatible with Kendo and other browsers.

I'm completly open to have contributions to this project, so go to the GitHub page to help me make it even better!

If you want to contribute to the documentantation go to heartthrob-docs github repository

here is a quicky guide in how to contribute to the framework:

  1. Clone this project.
git clone https://github.com/vtnorton/Heartthrob.git
  1. Use npm install to install all dependencies
  2. Use the text editor you want to make any changes inside /src
  3. Once is finished and you want to build what you created, just run the command: gulp build, and a directory /build will apper, use this directory to implement across your system.

don't code? Still want to contribute!?

Here is a few things you can do - almost in every open source project - that would help it be even better:

  • Find something cool on the internet that you want to be added here? Tell me!
  • Found a bug, please report! Will fix it ASAP - this is actually the code my team uses every single day.
  • This documentation can be improved somehow? Just say it to me and will do my best!
  • Is something missing? In the documentation? Repository? Or in your life? You will be heard!
  • Follow me on Twitter (@vt_norton) and in my blog to have info about updates!

project roadmap

I'm sharing with some some of my plans to move foward with heartthrob as I'm focused on:

  • Accessibility: I want to make it more accessible for every person in the world and make it easy for developers to create accessible websites.
  • Kendo UI compatibility: A lot of work to make a full compatibility with kendo is needed - including for different browsers. Also I'm focused on simplifing the kendo.heartthrob.css file.
  • Responsibility: some heartthrob components isn't ready for mobile yet, like header and content.

Constributors of all kinds from the community are welcome, but especially those that support the efforts above.


Copyright (c) vtnorton. All rights reserved.

Licensed under the MIT License.