
Dendrogram retrieval?

samiMHMD opened this issue · 3 comments

Helloc @vtraag,

Leiden seems to be built like Louvain, in the sense that in the process of finding the best partition the nodes within a community are merged into a metanode, before performing again the nodes mouvment and etc.., here with the metanodes and so on until no improvement on the optimzed function. Like this we form a dendrogram giving a hierarchical representation of the graph with several levels of partitions.
Is there a way to recover the dendrogram from the Leiden aglo?

Thanks in advance,


I also want this feature/ want to know is there anyway to achieve this. Thanks!

Hi, is there any update on this issue? Thank you!

There is a paper about dendrogram retrieval from flat clusters (non-hierarchical) (https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.00833v2)

More detail can be found in their Algorithm 1, but here is the idea:

  1. apply a graph-clustering algorithm to find the bottom clusters;
  2. (a) compute the similarity between all pairs of bottom clusters;
    (b) merge the two clusters that are the most similar, and update the similarities
    between this new cluster and the existing ones;
    (c) repeat step (2b) until all clusters have been merged into a single one.

The graph clustering algorithm in step 1 would of course be leiden algorithm