
Character Inventory not reading external values

Henrik-Bonsmann opened this issue · 1 comments

What happened?

In the character inventory, the "Treasure" value, encumbrance bar and encumbrance break-points are missing.
Inspecting the element reveals that several handlebars are returning null-values.

In character-inventory-tab.html:

    <div class="field-long">
      {{system.treasure}} <i class="fas fa-circle"></i>

(line 312 f)

  {{#with @root.system.encumbrance}}
  <div class="encumbrance {{#if encumbered}}encumbered{{/if}}">
    <span class="encumbrance-bar" style="width:{{pct}}%"></span>
    <span class="encumbrance-label">{{value}} / {{max}}</span>
    {{#each steps as |s|}}
    <i class="encumbrance-breakpoint arrow-up" style="left:{{s}}%"></i>
    <i class="encumbrance-breakpoint arrow-down" style="left:{{s}}%"></i>

(line 373 ff)

{{system.treasure}}, {{pct}} and {{s}} return Null while {{value}}and {{max}} work fine.

What is the expected behaviour?

Showing the treasure bar with movement break-points and the sum of treasure is vital for keeping bookkeeping low and the game fun and fast paced.

The inventory sheet can be seen working as intended in the guide:

Relevant Errors and Warnings

No response

Additional Support Details

Foundry: 11.315
OSE: 1.9.4
Client: foundry.exe

Foundry VTT Core Version


Old-School Essentials Core Version

No response

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