
CONTRIBUTORS! Which name should we use for attribution?

anthonyronda opened this issue Β· 13 comments

Last edited: Jan 3, 2023

Proper attribution is super important to me! We will always use any name you give us in the following way

  1. README.md - We recognize the contributions of everyone, whether their copyrighted work is included in the project or not. @all-contributors bot will add your github profile information to our readme as our token of appreciation for your time. To change what shows here, just change your GitHub profile info and it will eventually be reflected in the readme.
  2. AUTHORS - We additionally include this file to assert your individual right as the copyright owner of your contributions. It may be free open source licensed, but you're still the copyright owner of your work. This file is where we recognize this right. If you are submitting your work on behalf of an employer, you MUST use your employer's name/email (different legal jurisdictions may have different rules). We are collecting your AUTHORS file information in this GitHub issue.

If your files, UI designs, code fragments, docs, or translations have been contributed to the project, please give me some information so I can give you proper attribution.

  • (required) A name you go by (it doesn't have to be your legal name, it may be a screen name or other name you use)
  • (optional) An email

If you don't provide an email, I will use your "privacy" email that Github gives all of its users. It looks like 12345+username@noreply.github.com and it doesn't actually receive mail, it's just a unique identifier for your code contributions. If there's ever a question of who owns copyright to a contribution, access to your email address or GitHub account may be used to verify the owner.

EDIT Feb 19, 2022: This repo switched from using the CONTRIBUTORS file to using All Contributors just to make edits slightly less tedious. I'll still be using an AUTHORS file.

I will additionally be using AllContributors, but this is for copyright reasons

Just use my name is ok

I'm fine with my name and email (both are used in the commits I contributed) in that file

You can use RabidOwlbear to keep it consistent with my github.

I only contributed with the Spanish translation and two issues. You can use WallaceMcGregor if you wish.

Just use my name is ok
I changed only a very small part, but overall the translation is already good.

Everyone above this comment is officially recognized as code authors and translation authors in the latest release πŸŽ‰

If you know someone else who has contributed before the switch to github please show them this and ask them to comment as well!

My Github username and a link to my profile is fine -- wyrmisis

Github information, what's there now is good with me!

My Github username and link to profile is all good for me!

My Github username and a link to my profile is great

Name and link to profile is all good. Thanks.

what would you like your name to be in the credits?
κΉ€μ„ν™˜ @eheh031009 on Crowdin for Korean
little sad kΓ³zka @Beteu7 on Crowdin for Polish
Ronner @Ronner231 on Crowdin for Russian