
Python script that scrapes weather data from weather.com with the help of bs4

Primary LanguagePython

The Weather Channel Scraper

Python script that scrapes weather data from weather.com with the help of bs4

How to run


Runs on Python 3.*. Check your Python version with:

python3 --version

You would also need pip3 for installing bs4

Install pip3:

sudo apt-get -y install python3-pip


Clone repository:

git clone https://github.com/vuckale/weather-channel-scraper.git

Navigate to cloned repository and:

pip3 -r requirements.txt


Usage: weather_channel.py [options]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         print verbose output
  -c, --current         print current weather temperature in set location
  -u URL, --url=URL     use this url to fetch weather data
  --one-line=ONE_LINE   print everything on one line (put delimiter inside of
                        "quotes" in place of ONE_LINE)
  -d, --details         print details for current weather
  --d-feels-like        print high/low for today
  --d-sunrise-sunset    print sunrise/sunset time for today
  --d-high-low          print high/low for today
  --d-wind              print wind speed for today
  --d-humidity          print humidity for today
  --d-dew-point         print dew-point for today
  --d-pressure          print pressure for today
  --d-uw-index          print uw-index for today
  --d-visibility        print visibility range for today
  --d-moon-phase        print moon-phase for today
  --sun-position        print a graphical representation of current sun
  --location            print a location
  --day-light-duration  print how long does day light last
  --day-light-left      print how long is left before day light ends
  --current-timestamp   print timestamp when current temperature was measured
  --air-quality         print air quality index

Set a url inside of url variable or pass it as argument of -u option

Url has to match a https://weather.com/en-GB/weather/today/l/* i.e. visit https://weather.com/en-GB/, type in your city in search bar and copy that url.

Example for Los Angeles, CA, United States

url = "https://weather.com/en-GB/weather/today/l/a4bf563aa6c1d3b3daffff43f51e3d7f765f43968cddc0475b9f340601b8cc26"

you can then run following command to get current temperature:

./weather_channel.py -v -c


./weather_channel.py -v -c --url="https://weather.com/en-GB/weather/today/l/a4bf563aa6c1d3b3daffff43f51e3d7f765f43968cddc0475b9f340601b8cc26"

this will return current temperature in Los Angeles as of 2020-12-07 21:26 CET in °C with verbose output:

Current: Sunny 18°

Using Weather Icons

Navigate to the cloned repository and run:

git submodule init 
git submodule update

to pull weather-icons repository or clone it directly with:

git clone https://github.com/erikflowers/weather-icons.git

Install fonts with:

cd weather-icons
mv font/weathericons-regular-webfont.ttf /usr/share/fonts/truetype
fc-cache -vf

Check if font is correctly installed with:

fc-list | grep "Weather Icons"

if you get a line that looks somewhat like this it was successfully installed:

~/.local/share/fonts/weathericons-regular-webfont.ttf: Weather Icons:style=Regular

After that you can remove weather-icons/ since only .ttf file was needed to intall the font.