
Increase the distance of detection.

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Hey your work is great i implemented it and it works good.
This is not an error just a general question. can the distance of detecting the faces be increased?if yes then how to do that?? Do help me and thanks in advance.

you can increase the distance by decreasing the min face size

rects, landmarks = face_detect.detect_face(frame,80);#min face size is set to 80x80


Tune 80 into a suitable number. This will strip away performance and accuracy so please tune it accordingly

will this work with tensorflow-gpu ??

new_name = raw_input('Enter full name of the person: ').lower().strip();
f = open('./facerec_128D.txt','r');
data_set = json.loads(;
if new_name in data_set:
print "%s already exists" %new_name

steps to validate if user is already present in the file!!!

Thanks @SourabhMane
1 more problem plz help with this also. I need to give an image as input user and as the detection starts with a camera we can recognize that person with the label.