Setting: Twitter OGP
yamanoku opened this issue · 4 comments
yamanoku commented
ktquez commented
I did a test on this site
INFO: Page fetched successfully ✔️
INFO: 26 metatags were found ✔️
INFO: twitter:card = summary_large_image tag found ✔️
ERROR: Possibly invalid value (if specified) (twitter:title) ❌
ERROR: Possibly invalid value (if specified) (og:title) ❌
ERROR: Possibly invalid value (if specified) (twitter:text:title) ❌
I think we need to add the missing meta tags.
ktquez commented
I translated the share image, if you want you can add it to yaml from index /jp
- name: 'twitter:image'
content: '/img/social-share-jp.png'
yamanoku commented