
Vue Announcer Post Paragraph

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I had trouble understanding part of the the post:

Parts of the doucment could and will get updated, added and removed. All of this in an elegant, smooth and asynchronous way, to delivery that reactive, "app-y" experience – but without a page reload. Alas, this causes a problem for screen reader users.

This particular paragraph is difficult to read.

  • Spelling, *doucment
  • Odd phrasing, *to delivery
  • Missing word or punctuation in a complex sentence

See my edited attempt:

Parts of the document could and will get updated, added and removed. All of this happens in an elegant, smooth and asynchronous way - to deliver that reactive, "app-y" experience – without a page reload. Alas, this causes a problem for screen reader users.

Hi @plfstr

We would appreciate receiving a PR from you with these corrections.