
False Positive on Table scope?

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I can take a page which has zero warnings and then generate a warning by pasting in this HTML:
<table> <tr> <th scope="col">Foo</th> </tr> <tr> <td>Bar</td> </tr> </table>

This results in the following warning: "critical: scope attribute should be used correctly"

AFAICT, there is nothing wrong with how I am using scope in that markup -- scope="col" is valid in a TH and that is what the rule is checking. Except for some reason it is returning false somewhere along the line. I did see this closed issue on axe-core dequelabs/axe-core#244 but that issue pertains to not using an HTML 5 doctype, which I am using.

There's nothing wrong with my doctype and there's nothing wrong with my use of scope, unless I'm missing something.

When I use the Axe Chrome plugin-in, it does not complain about this rule.

Sorry for the delay in responding.
I will try to reproduce your example and make the correction.

I have encountered the same issue. I am using HTML5, the scope attribute is only being used on th elements, every th element has a scope attribute, and the value of every scope is col.

Moreover, when I remove the scope attributes entirely the error is no longer generated. This contradicts the expected behaviour, which is that not including the attributes should trigger the error.

scope attribute should be used correctly


    <th scope="col" width="12.5%">
      Requested Organ
    <th scope="col" width="12.5%">
      Transplant Type
    <th scope="col" width="12.5%">
      Clustered With
    <th scope="col" width="12.5%">
      Medical Status
    <th scope="col" width="12.5%">
      Primary Diagnosis
    <th scope="col" width="12.5%">
      Secondary Diagnosis

@DrLongGhost @Lexanimus

v2 is out.

I believe that the updated version of axe-core solved the problem, you can see an example through our demo.

Thanks for contribution.