sleight-of-hand 是否翻译为 “微调” 比较合适呢?
maogongzi opened this issue · 2 comments
maogongzi commented
您好,我在对比文档: src/guide/
时,发现原文 sleight-of-hand 翻译为 轻描淡写 有一些不太好理解,可否调整为诸如 微调 之类呢?
We can use this to coordinate more expressive movement, such as a folding card, as demonstrated below. It's actually two elements transitioning between each other, but since the beginning and end states are scaling the same: horizontally to 0, it appears like one fluid movement. This type of sleight-of-hand can be very useful for realistic UI microinteractions:
我们可以用它来协调更具表现力的动作,例如折叠卡片,如下所示。这实际上是两个元素在彼此之间转换,但是由于开始状态和结束状态的比例是相同的:水平为0,它看起来就像一个流体运动。这种轻描淡写对于真实的 UI 微交互非常有用:
我同时参照了一下日文的翻译(我不会日语,是用的谷歌翻译),显示日文中翻译为 微调
wxsms commented
Justineo commented
这种手法/技巧对于实现拟真的 UI 交互细节非常有用。