

LonePheasantWarrior opened this issue · 4 comments

图示中 "将el外部的HTML作为template编译*" 中的 "外部的HTML" 应直译为 "outerHTML"

Sorry for the mistake. However, since"outerHTML" has its own actual meaning, it would be better if "outerHTML" remains in the main body and the translation can be left aside in small-font note (as other similar cases in the image).
If you would like to help, you can find the translated .psd file at #967 , edit it and push your PR. Your effort would be appreciated. (Note that the font used in the image should be installed first if you would like to edit.)

Anyone could help us to modify the .psd file and export a new image? Or I will revert this image back to the original one. Thanks.

Anyone could help us to modify the .psd file and export a new image? Or I will revert this image back to the original one. Thanks.

I'll try it, I'm worried about messing it up

No worry, could feel free to try :-)