
Property "" was accessed during render but is not defined on instance.

Matthew2306 opened this issue · 2 comments

Warn: [Vue warn]: Property "shows" was accessed during render but is not defined on instance.

I have a similar situation, could anyone tell how can I fix the v-for loop?

Screenshot 2023-08-15 at 11 02 19 AM


<div class="show-column">
  <div class="circle-bg">
    <div class="date">{{ }}</div>
    <div class="month">{{ show.month }}</div>

  <div class="show show-box">
    <div class="show-name">{{ show.showName }}</div>
    <div class="show-desc">{{ show.showDesc }}</div>


const activeIndex = ref(0);
const shows = ref([
    date: "15",
    month: "JUN",
    showName: "Piano Duo Recital by Lucas & Arthur Jussen",
    showDesc: "Hong Kong Museum of Art",
    date: "15-18",
    month: "JUN",
      "Chinese Opera Festival 2023: Opening Programme - Peking Opera Theatre of Beijing",
    showDesc: "Hong Kong Museum of Art",
    date: "15-30",
    month: "JUN JUL",
    showName: "Chinese Culture and Dance Festival 'Hong Kong Dance Expo 2023'",
    showDesc: "Hong Kong Museum of Art",
    date: "30",
    month: "JUN",
    showName: "4",
    showDesc: "Test",

Originally posted by @Matthew2306 in #3780 (comment)

Please follow the issue template, otherwise we'll close the issue directly. Thank you.