
The auto-sidebar config can not generate multi first-level headings but only one.

caisense opened this issue · 0 comments

  • I confirm that this is an issue rather than a question.

Bug report

Markdown file has many level 1 headings, but the final rendered html only generates a first-level title.

Steps to reproduce

use vuepress auto-sidebar in config.js to generate sidebar, just like:

module.exports = {
    themeConfig: {
        sidebar: 'auto',

then use vuepress to compile, the final rendered html only has one first-level title on sidebar.

What is expected?

The final rendered html sidebar has multiple first-level titles.

What is actually happening?

The final rendered html only has one first-level title on sidebar.

Other relevant information

  • Output of npx vuepress info in my VuePress project: