
can't disable md-check-duplicated to false

fikri2992 opened this issue · 0 comments

Steps to reproduce

  • create md-chip inside component
    here's for example
    vuejs <md-chips class="form-control ticker-input" style="height:auto; font-size:13px" :md-limit="50"> <template slot="md-chip" slot-scope="{ chip }"> {{ chip }} </template> </md-chips>
    and then the result is md-chip still detect for duplicated even tho I use default value which is false and I also use false still checkin

Which browser?

chrome Version 84.0.4147.89 (Official Build) (64-bit)
vuejs Version 2.6.10

What is expected?

expected to not checking for duplicate

What is actually happening?

still check-in for duplicate

Reproduction Link