
[BUG] Vue-material brings its on vue version and breaks reactivity

mprinc opened this issue · 0 comments

I traced it back to the vue-toc util, which brings vue as a dependency. I did PR (accepted) and moved vue to peerDependency (same that is BTW done in vue-material itself). It got already accepted,

Please bump up the vue-toc version to 0.0.2, the PR is here: #2281

Steps to reproduce

Create a library/sub-app that depends on vue-material and npm link it to the main app

Which browser?


What is expected?

It is expected to not introduce its own vue package

What is actually happening?

We end up with a vue package in the library node_modules that will be used with the library, and the main app that uses the library would use the main vue and break reactivity, etc.

Reproduction Link

Should be clear without making a repo

Here is the pull request instead #2281