
md-table-pagination not working with example from documentation

adam-brookes opened this issue · 1 comments

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create a new Vue Project
  2. Install and configure Vue-Material
  3. Copy and paste the example code from the "Pagination" area of the table documentation
  4. Use this component

Which browser?

  1. Chrome Version: 101.0.4951.67
  2. Vue Version: 2.6.14
  3. Vue-Material Version: ^1.0.0-beta-15

What is expected?

Users should be displayed in the table and paginated correctly

What is actually happening?

No users are being displayed in the table, and there are no errors in the console.

@marqbeniamin #2210 this PR has been merged to master but not released to npm. It solves the issue which is that md-table-pagination doesn't have a few props defined.