
[BUG] Storybook Organisms CollectedProduct regular price do not allow you provide currency

MaciejWolowski opened this issue · 2 comments

Describe the bug
Prop in component regular price that should allow you to set price do not let you provide currency. In other places you cannot also set currency.

How to reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to storybook
  2. open section components -> organisms -> CollectedProduct
  3. scroll down to regular price prop
  4. write down some number and try to change currency.

Expected behavior
You can change price and currency. Or set price in one prop and currency in other.

Actual behavior
Price changes to just number without currency.


Storybook Organisms CollectedProduct screen 1

Storybook Organisms CollectedProduct regular price do not allow you provide currency

Devices (please complete the following information):

  • Device: [Desktop]
  • OS: [Windows 11]
  • Browser: [chrome]

┆Issue is synchronized with this Jira Task by Unito

This problem is caused by chosen number field in storybook for this value. There is a possibility to add number or string to component prop. In storybook we can have text field but then it will be possible to write anything not only add a desired currency to a number

I'm closing this ticket as it doesn't meet the requirements of LTS policy..