
Product detail page UI is not rendered properly when description of the product is not available

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Current behavior

When the product page has no additional info section then the UI for the pare is not rendered properly.

Expected behavior

The UI should always be consistent.

Steps to reproduce the issue

  1. Go to any product page.
  2. Remove the additional info section.

Can you handle fixing this bug by yourself?

  • YES
  • NO

Environment details

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  • Code Version:

Additional information

I have founded this issue fixed. Let me know If anything distorted here.
@ymaheshwari1 @AishwaryShrivastav

Hi @priyal-hotwax , You can reproduce it, by removing the description and the additional-info tabs from the details page.

Attaching the screenshot: (when the product description is not present)


When description is present: