
ERROR (node:88484) [DEP0128] DeprecationWarning: Invalid 'main' field in 'node_modules/@vue-storefront/nuxt-theme/package.json' of 'lib/module.js'. Please either fix that or report it to the module author

tomoat opened this issue · 7 comments

What is your question / Please describe your issue

@vue-storefront/nuxt-theme , It runs with this warning

ERROR (node:88484) [DEP0128] DeprecationWarning: Invalid 'main' field in 'node_modules/@vue-storefront/nuxt-theme/package.json' of 'lib/module.js'. Please either fix that or report it to the module author

What version of Vue Storefront are you using?

@vue-storefront/nuxt-theme: 2.5.2

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Hi @tomoat. Thanks for taking the time to submit this issue. Can you provide steps to reproduce this, please?

Hi @filipsobol. I'm getting this error too.
Work with
And when i use a yarn dev, i get this error.

workaround: downgrade from Node v16 to Node v12.

Hi @filipsobol! Also facing this issue.

It seems the issue is caused on Node v16 by DEP0128, due to the invalid main inside package.json of @vue-storefront/nuxt-theme.

The warning was introduced in V12, but only became runtime deprecated in V16. Running with a lower Node version should mitigate the issue until the upstream dep (@vue-storefront/nuxt-theme) releases a fix. 👍

The steps are pretty standard (using Node V16):

1. Initialize a new project using CLI (choosing Vendure as backend)

➜  npx @vue-storefront/cli init
? What's your project name? steps
? Choose integration Vendure
✔ VSF Project template initialized successfully.                                         
ℹ VSF Check out

The project is initialized successfully.

2. Install dependencies (using Yarn)

cd steps
➜  yarn install
yarn install v1.22.17
[1/5] Validating package.json...
[2/5] Resolving packages...
[3/5] Fetching packages...
warning Pattern ["@nuxt/typescript-build@latest"] is trying to unpack in the same destination "/home/user/.cache/yarn/v6/npm-@nuxt-typescript-build-2.1.0-191fe60e942ce84a01468ba6e255744e01c7c538-integrity/node_modules/@nuxt/typescript-build" as pattern ["@nuxt/typescript-build@^2.0.0"]. This could result in non-deterministic behavior, skipping.
[4/5] Linking dependencies...
warning "@storefront-ui/vue > vue2-leaflet@2.7.1" has unmet peer dependency "@types/leaflet@^1.5.7".
warning "@vue-storefront/nuxt > @nuxtjs/composition-api@0.17.0" has unmet peer dependency "@nuxt/vue-app@^2.14.11".
warning "@vue-storefront/nuxt > @nuxtjs/composition-api@0.17.0" has unmet peer dependency "fs-extra@^8.1.0".
warning " > @vue-storefront/vendure@1.0.0" has unmet peer dependency "@vue/composition-api@1.0.0-beta.21".
warning "nuxt > @nuxt/components@2.2.1" has unmet peer dependency "consola@*".
warning "vue-jest > @babel/plugin-transform-modules-commonjs@7.16.0" has unmet peer dependency "@babel/core@^7.0.0-0".
warning " > @vue/test-utils@1.2.2" has unmet peer dependency "vue-template-compiler@^2.x".
warning " > babel-core@7.0.0-bridge.0" has unmet peer dependency "@babel/core@^7.0.0-0".
warning " > babel-jest@27.3.1" has unmet peer dependency "@babel/core@^7.8.0".
warning "babel-jest > babel-preset-jest@27.2.0" has unmet peer dependency "@babel/core@^7.0.0".
warning "babel-jest > babel-preset-jest > babel-preset-current-node-syntax@1.0.1" has unmet peer dependency "@babel/core@^7.0.0".
warning "babel-jest > babel-preset-jest > babel-preset-current-node-syntax > @babel/plugin-syntax-bigint@7.8.3" has unmet peer dependency "@babel/core@^7.0.0-0".
warning "babel-jest > babel-preset-jest > babel-preset-current-node-syntax > @babel/plugin-syntax-import-meta@7.10.4" has unmet peer dependency "@babel/core@^7.0.0-0".
warning " > jest-watch-toggle-config@2.0.1" has unmet peer dependency "jest-validate@>= 23.4.0".
warning " > mochawesome@6.3.1" has unmet peer dependency "mocha@>=7".
warning " > rollup-plugin-terser@7.0.2" has unmet peer dependency "rollup@^2.0.0".
warning " > vue-jest@4.0.1" has unmet peer dependency "@babel/core@7.x".
warning " > vue-jest@4.0.1" has incorrect peer dependency "babel-jest@>= 24 < 27".
warning " > vue-jest@4.0.1" has incorrect peer dependency "jest@26.x".
warning " > vue-jest@4.0.1" has unmet peer dependency "vue-template-compiler@^2.x".
[5/5] Building fresh packages...
Done in 100.98s.

The depencies are installed sucessfuly, thought many of them have unmet peer dependencies, including some of @vue-storefront/*.

3. Attempt to start application in development mode

➜  yarn dev
yarn run v1.22.17
$ nuxt
ℹ VSF Starting Vue Storefront Nuxt Module                                                 
✔ VSF Installed Vue Storefront Context plugin                                             
✔ VSF Installed Vue Storefront SSR plugin                                                 
✔ VSF Installed VSF Logger plugin                                                         
✔ VSF Installed Vue Storefront E2E testing plugin                                         
✔ VSF Installed Internationalization Cookies plugin                                       

 WARN  useMeta is not supported in onGlobalSetup as @nuxtjs/pwa detected.                 

✔ VSF Installed nuxt Composition API Module                                               
✔ VSF Installed StorefrontUI Module                                                       
✔ VSF Installed Performance Module                                                       
ℹ VSF Using raw source/ESM for @vue-storefront/vendure                                     
ℹ VSF Using raw source/ESM for @vue-storefront/core                                       
ℹ VSF Using raw source/ESM for @storefront-ui/vue                                         
ℹ VSF Using raw source/ESM for @storefront-ui/shared                                       
ℹ VSF Starting Theme Module                                                               
ℹ Middleware starting....                                                                 
ℹ Loading integrations...                                                                
ℹ - Loading: vendure @vue-storefront/vendure-api/server                                   
ℹ - Loading: vendure extension: tokenExtension                                             
✔ - Integration: vendure loaded!                                                         
✔ Integrations loaded!                                                                   
✔ Middleware created!

ℹ NuxtJS collects completely anonymous data about usage
  This will help us improve Nuxt developer experience over time.

? Are you interested in participating? (Y/n)
 ERROR  (node:2712) [DEP0128] DeprecationWarning: Invalid 'main' field in '/home/user/workspaces/steps/node_modules/@vue-storefront/nuxt-theme/package.json' of 'lib/module.js'. Please either fix that or report it to the module author
(Use `node --trace-deprecation ...` to show where the warning was created)

Done in 25.88s.

I'm getting this exact same issue, both on Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS and Mac OS X Catalina (10.15.7)...

  throw err;

Error: Cannot find module '/home/andre-dev'
    at Function.Module._resolveFilename (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:933:15)
    at Function.Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:778:27)
    at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (node:internal/modules/run_main:81:12)
    at node:internal/main/run_main_module:17:47 {
  requireStack: []

I'm experiencing the same issue as well. Do you probably already have some fix or a workaround? Thanks.

@VaranCollins try using Node 12. Node 14 should also work, but at this moment we internally use Node 12 for the development and testing.