
[Bug]: application fails to properly validate the Origin headers -> Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Describe the Bug

It is observed that the application fails to properly validate the Origin headers.
Trusting arbitrary origins effectively disables the same-origin policy, allowing two-way interaction by third-party web sites.

Current behavior

VSF middleware enables All CORS requests:

Expected behavior

There should be an option to configure the CORS by params like:

const corsOptions = {
  origin: ''

Steps to reproduce

  1. Navigate to (example on BigCommerce integration but it's related to the VSF middleware)
  2. Login with valid credentials and capture any requests which has sensitive data
  3. At Origin in request headers change like below
    Screenshot 2022-03-23 at 09 37 17

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@WojtekTheWebDev I think changing the defaults on the HELMET module can add this security layer.

@WojtekTheWebDev is this closed? If yes, plese close the issue