
Extending express app in extendApp()

avareldev opened this issue · 1 comments

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We are creating a custom integration that needs file uploads. Therefor we tried to add a custom extension to the integration and implement the extendApp() function like this:

extensions: (extensions) => [
      name: 'upload-extension',
      extendApp: ({app, configuration}) => {
       app.use(express.json({limit: '50mb'}));

It seems that the app.use call does not have any effect here.

How can we set the size limit on the express application?

What version of Vue Storefront are you using?


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Fifciu commented

It should work perfectly fine. Probably the source of the issue is the thing we register express.json() middleware a few lines above in the core by default.

I am afraid the solution is replacing our out-of-the-box express.json() middleware. Probably you will need to access the internal _router.stack property. Here you can read more about it.


const express = require('express');

extensions: (extensions) => [
    name: 'upload-extension',
    extendApp: ({ app }) => {
      const JSON_MIDDLEWARE_NAME = 'jsonParser'
      const jsonMiddleware = app._router.stack.find(
        (s) => === JSON_MIDDLEWARE_NAME
      jsonMiddleware.handle = express.json({ limit: '50mb' })