
[Bug]: npx generate Error: command generate:vue-store not found

rrubio opened this issue · 3 comments

rrubio commented

Describe the Bug

On project creation using "npx" error occurs (see details below) and then exists.

node version - v14.20.0
npm version - 6.14.17

Installation details from -

  • on execution of "npx @vue-storefront/cli generate vue-store"
  • error - Error: command generate:vue-store not found

Current behavior

Install starts then aborts

Expected behavior

created project

Steps to reproduce

Followed instructions from -

npx @vue-storefront/cli generate vue-store

What version of Vue Storefront are you using?

npx version

What version of Node.js are you using?


What browser (and version) are you using?

don't get that far

What operating system (and version) are you using?

mac os m1

Relevant log output

Error: command generate:vue-store not found

Able to fix / change the documentation?

  • Yes
  • No

Code of Conduct

  • I agree to follow this project's Code of Conduct

Worth noting the docs now say
npx @vue-storefront/cli generate store
rather than
npx @vue-storefront/cli generate vue-store that's listed above.

Hi @Jamiewarb 👋

Have this new command npx @vue-storefront/cli generate store resolved your problem?

Please note, that to install dependencies use yarn we are working on fixing our docs ASAP.

Sergii Kirianov
Developer Advocate
Vue Storefront

Closing issue, no response for >2 months