
Errors upon installation

JeffreyArts opened this issue · 11 comments

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I am getting 2 errors when I try to execute npm run dev, after I installed a Shopify themed vue-storefront via the npx @vue-storefront/cli generate store command according the installation page

I am using:

node version: 14.19.0
npm version: 6.14.16

The error messages that I receive are:
Must use import to load ES Module: (...)/node_modules/@glidejs/glide/dist/glide.js require() of ES modules is not supported. require()
Since the documentation says to switch to node v14, I am uncertain of how this errror can be resolved. Is this a bug in the installation process? Or a typo in the documentation?

The other error is
WARN You did not set any plugins, parser, or stringifier. Right now, PostCSS does nothing. Pick plugins for your case on and use them in postcss.config.js

An error that I was pretty sure of to move away when I would create a postcss.config.js in the root directory, but unfortunately no. Given that there are so many pre-configured plugins installed in this project. I am curious why the postcss.config.js is not being added automatically.

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Lil bump. Is there any lead on that issue? Wanted to test out VSF but I am unable to install it. I tried multiple installations and was able to run it only once but can't remember which combination I used. But so far the documentation' requirements lead to that same Glide error.

Push again, having the same issue.

I've got the same error, using npm i instead of yarn to install dependencies. I've tried again with yarn and everything works fine.

Same issue here, using Yarn doesn't solve the problem

@smonkey72 would you care to share your yarn/node/etc versions?

@jesuismaxime I tried Node v14.20.0 with npm v6.14.7, Node v18.9.0 with npm v8.9.1 and finally Node v14.20.0 and yarn 1.22.19

So frustrating that the initial setup isn't working as documented.
How are we (new users) expected to try, use and like VSF?
There will be revenue lost, if you can't even try basic things, why would you pay for other features.

Hey 👋

Vue Storefront Developer Advocate here 🙌

First of all, I would like to say sorry on behalf of Vue Storefront for not responding to this issue for so long.

Now, to the question. I believe our docs are outdated and were not fixed, I will make sure it's fixed ASAP.

To install the project from the CLI, please use Yarn and Node.js >= 16.13 and <17.

I will force to update the docs soonest. Let me know if that worked.

That helped, thank you

The docs have been updated. That's great.
Just to be clear, yarn is required and npm is not supported? (if so, hope this changes with the next release)
Might be good to explicitly mention this on the docs. To avoid confusion. I would think that it doesn't matter which one you use.

Hey @DavidDeSloovere - yes, docs are updated :)

As you can see as per latest release of SFUI2 we are trying to become framework agnostic and this does mean npm/yarn/pnpm support too :)