
[Bug]: Default locale does not work

samberrry opened this issue · 2 comments

Describe the Bug

Hi everybody,
When I set the defaultLocale in nuxt.config.js, it seems that it does not work, the result is always EN lang on the first request.

I'm using the latest version of vsf-core, nuxt packages, may be an issue within vsf-nuxt npm package. v2.7.5

Screen Shot 2023-04-26 at 4 27 00 AM

Current behavior

No response

Expected behavior

I must load website based on the defaultLocale config.

Steps to reproduce

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Hey @samberrry 👋

I think I found the issue, but I need @WojtekTheWebDev help over here.

const languagesOrderedByPriority = [

Looking at this code we are setting locales in order of priority and I think that defaultLocale has to be the top priority, since this is what user sets themselves.

@WojtekTheWebDev can you take a look at this issue, most probably I'm missing out something

hey @skirianov @WojtekTheWebDev ,
we still have this problem, is there any fix for it? i would be very thankful if you help us.