
`@vue-storefront/cli` needs Node.js 16 (Gallium) that is so old it is not even Maintenance LTS anymore.

kindaro opened this issue · 4 comments


  • Operating System: Linux


  1. Make sure your version of Node.js is newer than 16 (Gallium).
  2. Run npx @vue-storefront/cli init as offered in official documentation.
  3. Write any name and select any integration template when prompted.
  4. Observe error.

Describe the bug

You can look at the official Node.js release schedule here. As you see, Node.js 16 (Gallium) is not even Maintenance LTS anymore. This has various negative implications: this version may not be available in major distributions, it will not receive critical security updates, and so on.

I am not sure how much of Vue Storefront code base is affected. My journey with it is only at its outset. If it is only cli that is affected, then this issue is merely a nuisance, since I shall only need to run it a few times. But to run an outdated version of Node.js in production is irresponsible.

It is sad to see that an issue that seems to be related has been opened more than a year ago and even a pull request has been offered, without even a comment from the maintainers. I hate dealing with versioning issues as much as the next software engineer, but something must be done.

Additional context

The issue #6844 seems to be related.


% npx @vue-storefront/cli init
┌  Welcome to Vue Storefront 2 CLI! 💚
◇  🚀  What's your project name?
│  Example Project

◇  ⚙️  Choose an integration template:
│  Prestashop

◇  😩 Node.js version is incompatible. Please make sure you use Node.js version >= 16.13 and <17.