
CLI installer overwrites existing credentials

thorstenfriesen opened this issue · 0 comments


Operating System: Mac OS
Node Version: 16


  1. Ensure that the ~/.composer/auth.json file already contains Magento credentials or other credentials.
  2. Proceed with the installation process of Vue Storefront using the CLI installer.
  3. Observe that the existing credentials in ~/.composer/auth.json have been overwritten by the new ones.

Describe the bug

The CLI installer for Vue Storefront asks for Magento credentials during the installation process and overwrites all existing credentials in the ~/.composer/auth.json file. This can cause unintended side effects for developers managing multiple Magento instances or other dependencies via Composer.

Expected Behavior:
The installer should not overwrite existing credentials in ~/.composer/auth.json. Instead, it should append new credentials or use them only for the current installation without altering the file.

Current Behavior:
Entering Magento credentials in the CLI installer results in all previous entries in ~/.composer/auth.json (http-basic) being replaced.

Additional context

Code Reference:


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