
[Bug Report][3.3.1] v-responsive not respect d-flex align-center

jmorille opened this issue · 1 comments


Vuetify Version: 3.3.1
Last working version: 3.2.5
Vue Version: 3.3.4
Browsers: Chrome
OS: Windows 10, Linux

Steps to reproduce

Just run the Playground to constat the not respect of the
The block is align rigth instead of the to be in the center of the page.

Change in playground the version of Vuestify 3.3.x to 3.2.5 to see the align center of the block is not respect anymore with this new version

This code come from the vuestify starter client.

Expected Behavior

In version 3.3.x, the Text block should be in the center of the page with

Actual Behavior

The Text block is rigth align in the page in version Vuestify 3.3.x.
The same code in Vuestify 3.2.x respect align center

Reproduction Link

fixed in #25