Settings file isn't applied after run 'dev' command
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For some reason, the settings file isn't loaded in first app load after run dev command
@use 'vuetify/settings' with (
$body-font-family: $font-family,
$heading-font-family: $font-family,
$button-text-transform: capitalize,
$button-font-weight: 500,
$button-border-radius: 24px,
$field-border-radius: 24px,
$text-field-border-radius: 24px,
$autocomplete-content-border-radius: 24px,
$select-content-border-radius: 24px,
$combobox-content-border-radius: 24px,
$menu-content-border-radius: 24px,
$tooltip-border-radius: 24px,
$list-item-icon-opacity: 1,
In first load, border radius isn't 24px:
After save the settings file:
After change the page, this problem returns, and we need to save the settings file to apply it again
iirc you need to add main.scss
adding it to nuxt css entry, check ,, and
// Any variables in the sass files in this folder -
$font-family: 'Inter var', 'Inter', 'Roboto', 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif;
@use 'vuetify' with (
// $utilities: false,
// $reset: false,
// $color-pack: false,
$body-font-family: $font-family
Remember to disable vuetify styles:
Is vuetify/moduleOptions.styles.configFile
correct? Shouldn't it start with ./src/assets...
, or use the alias @/assets...
Any errors you notice in the terminal that's running the dev server, or in the browser console?
If you can extract out your above setup on a minimal vuetify scaffold, it will be very helpful to troubleshoot, reason being there might be something else that's causing the issue.