
Hamburger icon on mobile view doesn't work

Opened this issue · 3 comments

The hamburger icon that shows up on smaller screens isn't doing anything.

Tested on the latest version of Safari on iOS and desktop Chrome version 75.0.3770.90

It also doesn't work on mobile Firefox 84.1.2, mobile Firefox 68.12.0 (Fennec F-Droid), linux desktop Firefox 84.0.1 (this icon became visible on large zoom level, 165% in my case).

Just a guess - is bootstrap uses JS to make it work, and JS isn't working because of using WASM? So we should re-implement such functionality in Go to make it work again?

It's a bit tricky - the site used to load as wasm, but these days it's just static HTML. So either the appropriate JS needs to be added (which I believe will require fixing this: vugu/vugu#76 ) or site moved back to loading as wasm. I was planning on addressing this the next time the site gets an overhaul, hopefully in a few months.