A DDD shopping cart application focused on separation of concerns and scalability.
└── src
├── api # Layer that exposes application to external world (primary adapters)
│ └── http # Exposes application over HTTP protocol
├── app # Layer that composes application use cases
├── domain # Business domain classes and everything that composes domain model
├── infra # Communication with what is external of application
└── libs # Common functionalities
Main concepts for this architecture are around codebase scalability. Main goal here is provide a clean architecture while flexible for implementing and growing functionalities into the codebase.
Everything is highly testable, given low coupling with clear dependency graphs provided by Inversion of Control.
POST http://localhost:3000/item
"sku": "AS-1234",
"displayName": "My first item",
"price": 100
GET http://localhost:3000/item
- If shopping cart doesn't exist, it is going to be created.
- If itemId already exists, quantity for existing item in the cart will be increased.
POST http://localhost:3000/cart/1/item
"itemId": "ck0r5ypdz0000ppo73m4o8hfa",
"quantity": 1
DELETE http://localhost:3000/cart/1/item/ck0r46c9w0000y9o70hvh605j