
Ability to specify target path to download to

vutran opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Add a flag to allow a user to specify a target directory to run zel. By default, it should continue to run in the current working directory.

This will make it useful for syncing dotfiles to the user's home directory. (~/.vimrc, ~/.zshrc, etc.)

Optional: Add alias flag --home for the user's home directory.


# format
# zel --target <targetDir> <repository>

# clone user/repoName to ~/some/path
$ zel --target ~/some/path user/repoName

# equivalent to  `zel --target ~/ vutran/home`
$ zel --home vutran/home

Nice ๐Ÿ‘ Although the format/order wouldn't matter. With all of these minimist/cli-parsers, a flag's key is assigned the following value string, if any.

# normal use, read local config
$ zel

# normal use, read remote repo
$ zel vutran/gitignore

# read remote repo, specify target
$ zel vutran/dotfiles --target ~/.config
$ zel vutran/dotfile --home

Doesn't change anything ๐Ÿ˜œ Just typing it out for my own eyes. Nice & consistent