
Is v3.6 backwards compatible, due to the psycopg2/3 upgrade?

Closed this issue · 4 comments


I noticed in the release notes that v3.6 switched to psycopg3, at least for the PostgresBucket. Is everything else still backwards compatible?

PS: I believe it is as the release does not mention any breaking changes, in which case feel free to close this.

the API is still the same, so if the psycopg version change does not cause you trouble, then everything should be fine.

Thanks for the quick answer @vutran1710,

Just to make sure I got this, if I install pyrate-limiter without the extras and keep my version of psycopg2 in my project, am i going to be able to use the library (excluding the PostgresBucket of course), or is any of the imports going to complain you think?

if you can't, I'll bring down the whole project myself and stop coding for good.

Thanks for the quick answer @vutran1710,

Just to make sure I got this, if I install pyrate-limiter without the extras and keep my version of psycopg2 in my project, am i going to be able to use the library (excluding the PostgresBucket of course), or is any of the imports going to complain you think?

Great thanks, no i wouldn't want that!