FOX Swap is a platform on the Sui blockchain. FOX Swap allows users to engage in transactions and add liquidity, among other activities.
A distinctive feature of this project is that users can acquire Liquidity Provider Tokens (LPs) by adding liquidity. Upon acquiring LPs, users are entitled to claim one free lottery ticket each epoch. FOX Swap features multiple lottery pools, with each offering a unique drawing method. Users can choose to receive lottery tickets from any of these pools. Should a user win in a lottery draw, they are rewarded with Fox tokens as their prize.
After adding liquidity, users can receive Liquidity Provider Tokens (LPs).
Swap pool where users can swap tokens or add liquidity to earn rewards (coupons).
Represents coupon information.
Lottery reward pool used for storing lottery status and distributing rewards to winning users.
Lottery reward pool used for storing lottery status and distributing rewards to winning users.
Creates a swap pool.
Adds liquidity to the swap pool.
Removes liquidity from the swap pool.
Swaps Coin A for Coin B in the swap pool.
Swaps Coin B for Coin A in the swap pool.
Retrieves the daily coupon.
Creates an instant lottery reward pool.
Adds a bonus to the reward pool.
Draws an instant lottery and burns the ticket
Creates an lotto lottery reward pool.
Adds a bonus to the reward pool.
Place tickets in the prize pool.
Close the pool.
Draw and distrubute prize.
$ sui --version
sui 1.26.0-homebrew
$ sui move test
BUILDING fox_swap
Running Move unit tests
[ PASS ] 0x0::fox_swap_tests::test_fox_lottery_pool_a
[ PASS ] 0x0::fox_swap_tests::test_fox_lottery_pool_b
[ PASS ] 0x0::fox_swap_tests::test_fox_lp
[ PASS ] 0x0::fox_swap_tests::test_fox_swap
Test result: OK. Total tests: 4; passed: 4; failed: 0
$ git clone
$ cd fastcrypto/
$ cargo run --bin ecvrf-cli keygen
This sequence of commands will output Secret Key and Public Key.
$ cd fox_swap/app
$ touch .env
$ FASTCRYPTO_PATH=/path/to/your/fastcrypto/project
$ SECRET_KEY=your_generated_secret_key
$ PUBLIC_KEY=0x1a90ed7e9e18a9f2db1f7fbabfe002745000b19b44fd68d87d97c6785460714e
$ sui client publish --gas-budget 50000000
Retrieve the package_id and set it as the environment variable:
$ FOX_COIN_PACKAGE_ID=0x37d5b2a5f825631abf466e57626ae8ffed8195956327d8de5db5d6262c08b0c3
$ ADDRESS=0x5bd66f0b7d9eecf2a05b29f8456f3e69d0ef79c289b613d2ff54c9a4c26fcb00
$ ADDRESS2=0x389f5a3253ff5e7058ca59ced00b377693ac86fad5721c20ffad36f68a583bfb
$ MINT_AMOUNT=500000000000
$ sui client call --package $FOX_COIN_PACKAGE_ID --module fox_coin --function mint --args 0xa6684dda21b3694de0858d340ca3a9c7e4dfb857b188c56985c61413d65c442a $MINT_AMOUNT $ADDRESS --gas-budget 5000000
Refer to: Get SUI Tokens
Based on the previous preparations, the following environment variables have been set:
$ PUBLIC_KEY=0x1a90ed7e9e18a9f2db1f7fbabfe002745000b19b44fd68d87d97c6785460714e
$ FOX_COIN_500_OBJ=0xdb3bdb73a0ddcbdcee4463eb3044ac78234e4cb87d948b49bcb1ede6e778284d # 500 fox
$ SUI_COIN_100_OBJ=0xb2512bf5552b95dbbea87149ed39f7246e519325882d1f23ee278ad322c7316e # 100 sui
$ FOX_COIN_1000_OBJ=0xf47a913d84bc3505dfb0c678bb72450dfc294708f66d7d2ecd7472ceb09d7a18 # 1000 fox
$ FOX_COIN_2000_OBJ=0xdeb60f82a283e3ce0fd9aac48587d31e5f1251298794b054f4ca466d0e18556f # 2000 fox
$ FOX_COIN_25_OBJ=0x9c048a07f75cad41fd2d39318aeec5fe47b3f203aed4892a4dc6f740f50698ff # 25 fox
$ SUI_COIN_5_OBJ=0x1a7baee13bc95312362caf9b3a8c45dc989d62825b43167940f4215be91b4309 # 5 sui
$ ACC2_FOX_COIN_20_OBJ=0x0119090e9c98954914e22deb0289d308f895f737cd55e75e0f09e4eca252fcef # account2 20 fox
$ ACC2_SUI_COIN_4_OBJ=0x20c60075d326ddb4723526c666ee5b03a92cd32fe4dec0cdbbc7e1776d10d6a0 # account2 4 sui
$ sui client publish --gas-budget 100000000
Retrieve the package_id and set it as the environment variable:
$ PACKAGE_ID=0x5567394cd735476ec75dc4fd9977520557cc9645c34487bb97dc73dd10cd02b9
$ sui client call --package $PACKAGE_ID --module fox_swap --function create_swap_pool --args $FOX_COIN_500_OBJ $SUI_COIN_100_OBJ 0x6 --type-args $FOX_COIN_PACKAGE_ID::fox_coin::FOX_COIN 0x2::sui::SUI --gas-budget 10000000
Retrieve the pool_id and set it as the environment variable:
$ SWAP_POOL=0xa17105fc695f7c35fc803e5aaceb8be05d1ada822709baa132495c099ac8e3d2
Create instant-win prize pool:
$ sui client call --package $PACKAGE_ID --module fox_lottery --function create_lottery_pool_a --args $FOX_COIN_1000_OBJ $PUBLIC_KEY --type-args $FOX_COIN_PACKAGE_ID::fox_coin::FOX_COIN --gas-budget 10000000
Retrieve the pool_id and set it as the environment variable:
$ LOTTERY_POOL_A=0xc86083ca3f59b804c8417428ee05fc35dfb11dde63634d3952a54b47170d0421
Create lotto prize pool:
$ sui client call --package $PACKAGE_ID --module fox_lottery --function create_lottery_pool_b --args $FOX_COIN_1000_OBJ $PUBLIC_KEY --type-args $FOX_COIN_PACKAGE_ID::fox_coin::FOX_COIN --gas-budget 10000000
Retrieve the pool_id, admin_cap and set as the environment variables:
$ LOTTERY_POOL_B=0xb82ac4b7c530302ec9b02c6722db512621cad6ba611e5ab051cbb534f0a29876
$ POOL_B_ADMIN_CAP=0x55e765af0699eef62cc8c6d8483ca28d75ebd4240357d28100ee8795ce6da6d0
$ sui client call --package $PACKAGE_ID --module fox_swap --function add_liquidity --args $SWAP_POOL $FOX_COIN_25_OBJ $SUI_COIN_5_OBJ 0x6 --type-args $FOX_COIN_PACKAGE_ID::fox_coin::FOX_COIN 0x2::sui::SUI --gas-budget 5000000
$ sui client switch --address $ADDRESS2 # switch to account2
$ sui client call --package $PACKAGE_ID --module fox_swap --function add_liquidity --args $SWAP_POOL $ACC2_FOX_COIN_20_OBJ $ACC2_SUI_COIN_4_OBJ 0x6 --type-args $FOX_COIN_PACKAGE_ID::fox_coin::FOX_COIN 0x2::sui::SUI --gas-budget 5000000
$ sui client switch --address $ADDRESS # switch back to account1
After one epoch, you can obtain a lottery ticket through LP tokens with a choice between instant Or lotto type.
$ LOTTERY_TYPE=1 # instant type
$ sui client call --package $PACKAGE_ID --module fox_swap --function get_daily_coupon --args $SWAP_POOL $LOTTERY_TYPE --type-args $FOX_COIN_PACKAGE_ID::fox_coin::FOX_COIN 0x2::sui::SUI --gas-budget 5000000
Retrieve the COUPON_OBJ (ObjectType: ...::fox_swap::Coupon) and set it as the environment variable:
$ COUPON_OBJ=0xa4f7faddb493f4eed0adfdb6b96cd33f17667c4f018eb760e2c9554483a3eb0f
Obtaining coupon information through Coupon_obj and
Modify app/index.ts
const couponId = "1717341932355";
const lotteryType = "1";
const lpAmount = "234783942744";
const epoch = "390";
Compile and run:
$ npx tsc
$ node dist/index.js
Set environment variables:
$ PROOF=0x8897c2e421a17f53c51bfff82e8f4bfe89a234b63c2b63daeee3814128749f2ce21b1df288fab720a6d7b570ae5f00e286e964186de4e22066bed5c96a038d415f0149bf860aabdd61e4b7baf428dd0b
$ LOTTERY_NUMBER=0x11160a451377e193e423a261559f26b1d80fa4db171e4d8301df10df88c19e29cc16df4815c752f2546ed06f93423f947a1f49eee5eeb67ef82a58a7d526f7b6
$ sui client call --package $PACKAGE_ID --module fox_lottery --function draw_pool_a_instant_lottery --args $COUPON_OBJ $SWAP_POOL $LOTTERY_POOL_A $LOTTERY_NUMBER $PROOF 0x8 --type-args $FOX_COIN_PACKAGE_ID::fox_coin::FOX_COIN 0x2::sui::SUI --gas-budget 5000000
│ │ ┌───────────────────┬──────────────┐ │
│ │ │ bonus_coin_amount │ 0 │ │
│ │ ├───────────────────┼──────────────┤ │
│ │ │ lp_amount │ 234783942744 │ │
│ │ ├───────────────────┼──────────────┤ │
│ │ │ number │ 7460 │ │
│ │ └───────────────────┴──────────────┘
The output of bonus_coin_amount
is 0, indicating that the user did not win.
$ sui client switch --address $ADDRESS2 # switch to account2
$ LOTTERY_TYPE=2 # lotto type
$ sui client call --package $PACKAGE_ID --module fox_swap --function get_daily_coupon --args $SWAP_POOL $LOTTERY_TYPE --type-args $FOX_COIN_PACKAGE_ID::fox_coin::FOX_COIN 0x2::sui::SUI --gas-budget 5000000
Retrieve the COUPON_OBJ (ObjectType: ...::fox_swap::Coupon) and set it as the environment variable:
$ COUPON_OBJ=0x5285951451242d588446f51426dcde7a11277807e8d91542deabf68483bf3c0d
$ sui client call --package $PACKAGE_ID --module fox_lottery --function place_bet_to_pool_b --args $COUPON_OBJ $LOTTERY_POOL_B --type-args $FOX_COIN_PACKAGE_ID::fox_coin::FOX_COIN --gas-budget 5000000
$ sui client switch --address $ADDRESS # switch to account1
$ sui client call --package $PACKAGE_ID --module fox_lottery --function pool_b_close_betting --args $POOL_B_ADMIN_CAP $LOTTERY_POOL_B --type-args $FOX_COIN_PACKAGE_ID::fox_coin::FOX_COIN --gas-budget 5000000
Obtaining pool_b information through $LOTTERY_POOL_B id and
Modify app/index.ts
const coinBalAmount = "2000000000000";
const totalTicketsNum = "894484";
const poolBEpoch = "390";
Compile and run:
$ npx tsc
$ node dist/index.js
Set environment variables:
$ PROOF=0x0c43fa7c20ff255fb9d9b2cd3a62f18b820dbbd860e3e56a153b50c7ad3cbd0bb7cd33ac3c759723867aeed5986d862d9b8a6fdc51dca68ee9e994691e5a4d850ff06bfd382be4e11f8a2ea9f7911303
$ LOTTERY_NUMBER=0xb5fe4560c744c40d72df215b7054fcdb1962d1f13afcf8f7d788cd2333b82f8aa49545f06e05e5fc15d85191ddca36b9ea4d3dc9a5d8ab9bb51f904f9a25d2d5
$ sui client call --package $PACKAGE_ID --module fox_lottery --function pool_b_draw_and_distrubute --args $POOL_B_ADMIN_CAP $SWAP_POOL $LOTTERY_POOL_B $LOTTERY_NUMBER $PROOF 0x8 --type-args $FOX_COIN_PACKAGE_ID::fox_coin::FOX_COIN 0x2::sui::SUI --gas-budget 5000000
│ │ ┌───────────────────┬────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │
│ │ │ bonus_coin_amount │ 40002287 │ │
│ │ ├───────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │
│ │ │ number │ 55228 │ │
│ │ ├───────────────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │
│ │ │ winner │ 0x389f5a3253ff5e7058ca59ced00b377693ac86fad5721c20ffad36f68a583bfb │ │
│ │ └───────────────────┴────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
The output of winner
is 0x389f5a3253ff5e7058ca59ced00b377693ac86fad5721c20ffad36f68a583bfb
, indicating that $ADDRESS2
wins the reward.
Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and submit a pull request with your changes.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.